Page 73 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 73
Part 2
Corporate Governance
With regards to the procurement, since 2024, the Company has used the Blanket Purchase Order method or entering into a purchase and sales contract by specifying type of product, quantity, price and duration of the contract without specifying the exact order date. This method benefits both the suppliers and the Company in calculating the pre-purchase order quantity, saving cost and reducing the storage amount in the Company’s areas and it can lift up level of quality of products and services in the procurement works.
5. Customers
The Company determined to bring satisfaction and confidence to its customers along with anyone that received products and good service. The Company continued to increase service quality standards and maintained good and sustainable relationships with customers as stated below:
1) The Company determines to improve the quality of products and service in order to consistently meet the needs of customers.
2) The Company discloses accurate and up to date news and information regarding its products and services.
3) TheCompanyalwayskeepscustomerinformationconfidentialanddoesnottakeadvantage of customer information for the benefit of the Company or any other relevant parties.
In 2024, the Company conducted 2 customer satisfaction surveys from 3 groups of customers, i.e. purchasers, sellers and vehicle confiscation teams, and average scores obtained was 95.44 points higher than the set target at 95.00 point. The Company brought opinions and recommendations from the customers to further develop and improve the Company’s services.
6. Creditors
The Company complied with agreement conditions to treat creditors fairly and made payments on time. These were the guidelines:
1) TheCompanystrictlymaintainsandcomplieswithagreementconditionsregardingpayment terms and other conditions with the creditors.
2) TheCompanyaccuratelyreportsitscompletefinancialstatustocreditorsinaccordance with the loan contract agreement and corporate governance principles.
7. Community, Society and the Environment
The Company conducted its business with responsibility towards the community, society and the environment in regards to safety, quality of life, natural resource preservation and efficient energy use promotion. The Company was aware of the quality of life of the community and society around the Company. The Company gave back to the community and society by making contributions out of a portion of its profit. The Company was aware of business operations that might be affected the environment according to the following guidelines:
1) The Company considers options regarding the use of natural resources without impacting or having as little impact as possible on the environment, society, and quality of life in the community. In the case of necessity and unavoidable shall be the least minimized negative impacts.
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Union Auction Public Company Limited