Page 75 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 75

  Part 2
Corporate Governance
2) The Company has the policy that directors and executives have to report their conflict of interest to the Chairman of the Board and Chairman of the Audit Committee.
3) The Company has the policy that the report of significant transaction needs to agree by the Audit Committee and approved by the Board of Directors or the sharholders’ meeting depending on the case.
Disclosure Policy
The Company realizes the significance of management and business undertakings in accordance with the Corporate Governance Principles. The Company would not provide special treatment to any shareholders. All shareholders have equitable right to access the Company’s information in accordance to the Equitable Discloser of Information Policy and have sufficient information through the Company’s disclosing channel. To promote information disclosure, which is accurate, complete, transparent and equitable, in compliance with the regulatory requirements, the Company deems it appropriate to formulate the Company Disclosure Policy for pursuance by directors and management as follows;
1. Authorized Spokespersons
Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, or persons assigned by the Board of Directors have authority to consider and make decisions on the content of significant information for public disclosure. Anyone of them shall be able to disclose information by himself / herself or assign relevant parties to handle this task.
2. Dissemination of Information
- The Company information shall be accurate, transparent, equitable, reliable, straightforward, clear, easy and punctual.
- The disclosure of information in any regulatory report requirements shall meet the deadline and frequency as specified by laws or government agencies, classified by types of information.
- Information that influences the price of the Company stock or affects investment decisions or affects shareholders’ benefits, shall be disclosed after submission to the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) - The Company would communicate information to investors, analysts, relevant investing parties, and shareholders through communicating agents appointed by the Company with the investor
relations acts as the main coordinator.
In 2024, the Company held a press conference with the Association of Used Car on the
topic of “Summary of the Used Car Business Situations in 2024 and the Market Outlook in 2025” as the guideline for analysis of the growth direction of the used car business and for decision making of all groups of stakeholders, such as the customers, both the purchasers and the sellers, and the investors or the interested parties, etc. Including planning to hold a press conference every quarter to communicate information to the stakeholders regularly.
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Union Auction Public Company Limited

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