Page 76 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 76
Part 2
Corporate Governance
3. Prohibited Activities and Remedial Actions
There shall be prohibition of release of confidential business information or information that may lead to loss of benefits and competitiveness or information on pending negotiations or information based on exaggerated projections and/or irrational promotion. Improper wording or styles of presentation that may misdirect the price movement of the Company stock shall be avoided.
In cased where there are disclosures of information which is inaccurate, erroneous, deviated from facts or under misinterpretation or mistranslation in any significant way, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, and Chief of Division shall clarify all facts for correct understanding immediately.
4. Management of Leaks of information or Rumors
In any significant events, when there are news reports deviating from the facts pertaining to the Company or reports with reference to inaccurate information or leaks of significant information to a third party or untimely disclosure of information, which may lead to rumors that affect the stock price and/ or performance of the Company, either positively or negatively, Chief Executive Officer, Managing Director, and Chief of Division shall report all significant information and facts to the Stock Exchange of Thailand for the correct understanding immediately.
5. Protection against Abuse of Inside Information Access to Company’s Information
- The directors, executives, and employees whose works involved with the inside information which has not yet been disclosed to the public shall have duty to keep confidential of such
- Prohibited director, executives, employees, including investor-relation personnel, to
use the information for benefit of oneself and/or others, which is equivalent to take advantage of other shareholders, such as insider trading, and to trade within one (1) month prior to disclosing of financial statement or other relevant information until the Company discloses the information to SET.
- Avoid providing information related to operations impacting share price or leading to benefits for specific individual during the Quiet Period, or the prepaolllllration period of financial statements to SET which is one (1) month prior to the official disclosure through SET’s communicating channel. As an exception, when an issue or situation leads to incorrect financial information on the operating results, leading to misunderstanding of the person who uses the information, the Company would display the information to SET shortly.
Internal Control of Information
The Company has policy and control on how directors, executives and employees use inside information that is not publicly disclosed and stock trading for their own benefits as follows:
1) The Company has provided the information to the directors and executives about their duties to report their own, spouses’ and immature children’s holding of the Company’s securities to the Securities and Exchange Commission according to section 59 and the penalty to section 275 of the Securities and Exchange Act of B.E. 2535.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)