Page 74 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 74

  Part 2
Corporate Governance
2) The Company regularly contributes some profit to build society and the environment.
3) The Company earnestly creates a consistent awareness of social and environmental responsibilities among all employee levels.
4) The Company places an importance of business activities with business partners whose intentions regarding the environment, community and society are aligned with the Company.
5) TheCompanybringsnearbyanddistantareasbenefitstopeopleineverylevelofsociety.
6) The Company joins and supports any activities that are aligned with the development policies for society and country. This includes campaign policies, prevention policies and promotion policies in various forms.
7) TheCompanygivesaccurateinformationthatcreatesunderstandingandpaysattention to the problems that affect the surrounding community in order to be able to immediately solve the problems. This builds a good foundation in which the Company and society can live together without creating any conflicts and bringing mutual benefits.
Disclosure and Transparency
The Company acknowledges that the information disclosure of financial statements and general information need to be accurate, complete, timely and transparent in compliance with the regulations of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET). The other significant information that may affect the price of the Company’s securities which in turn impacts on the decision making of the Company’s investors and stakeholders shall be published to and be accessible to by the Company’s shareholders, investors and public via channels and media of SEC and SET as well as the Company’s website, depend on the case.
Financial Report
The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company’s financial statement and information published in the annual financial statement as Form 56-1 One Report. Such financial statements are arranged according to the generally accepted standard accounting in Thailand that is suitable and consistent. The information in financial statement shall be disclosed at sufficient level. Audit Committee shall review and audit the quality of the financial report and internal control system, including the significant information disclosure sufficiently.
Directors and Executives Transaction
1) The Company has the policy that directors and executives reveal every transaction of share buying, selling, transferring, and the securities holding of the company and provide a report for publishing through the system of the Securities and provide the List of management who submitted the changes in securities and derivatives holding report (Form 59) to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) within 3 days from the transaction date or according to the criteria set by the SEC.
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)

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