Page 78 - One report AUCT2024_Eng
P. 78
Part 2
Corporate Governance
3. Answer questions of the investors and the analysts relevant to the Company’s information which can be disclosed.
4. Report important news and information disclosed to the public accurately and completely.
In 2024, the Company disseminates and communicates information to analysts, investors, and shareholders as follows:
1. Arranging the Company Visit for providing performance information to analysts, investors, shareholders, and funds both domestic and abroad through physical meeting and virtual meeting as follows:
- Customers of UOB KayHian Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited - Customers of TISCO Securities Company Limited
- Customers of UBS Securities (Thailand) Company Limited
- Customers of CGS-CIMB securities (Thailand) Company Limited
- Customers of Bualuang Securities Public Company Limited
- Customer group of Maybank Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited
- Analyst of KGI Securities (Thailand) Public Company Limited
- Analyst of Kasikorn Securities Public Company Limited
- Analyst of Metha Asset Management Company Limited
- Foreign investors totally 8 groups
- Retail investor groups such as investors from the Thai Value Investor Association
(Thailand), the Thailand Investors Association, and retail investor groups who gathered to meet with
executives 2. Online interviews for various programs:
- Money Talk program via YouTube: Money Talk Channel
- Tam-Eig youtube channel
- The Standard youtube channel
- Other media such as Bangkok Post, Mitihoon, Thanhoon and car market media, etc.
3. Investor relations activities, such as booth arranging at mai Forum 2024
Business Ethics
The Company has set up the Code of Business Ethics for Board of Directors, executives and employees as the guidelines for their practices to accomplish the Company’s mission with honesty and ethics. They include the practices towards the Company, all stakeholders, public and society based on working principles under the law regulations and contracts with partners as well as follow up on the implementation of such guidelines on a regular basis. The Company has established a written code of business ethics, which consists of Corporate Governance Policy, Business Ethics, Operational Requirements, Whistleblowing, complaints or suggestions, and penalty. The Board of Directors reviews the business ethics annually. The Company has disclosed the guidelines on the Company's website under the topic of “Corporate Governance”. It is also specified that the training about business ethic shall be provided to the new
Annual Registration Statement / Annual Report 2024
(Form 56-1 One Report)