Page 56 - 2017 Willmar Lakes Area Guide
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Family Eye Center is home to 7 ophthalmologists and opticians who Healthcare in Kandiyohi County would not be complete without mention of provide a variety of eye care procedures from yearly eye exams to Ridgewater College. Its innovative nursing programs include two hi-tech LASIK eye surgery. simulation centers which help students and area healthcare staff increase
professional development. With Ridgewater’s innovative approach student’s Janning ENT Center is a ear, nose and throat specialist that practices graduate with a better understanding of patient care.
nearly any medical or surgical disease of the ear, nose, throat, face or neck.
Dentistry in Kandiyohi County provide oral care ranging from regular cleaning to extractions and fillings.
The Allergy and Asthma Specialty Clinic provides highly skilled care for pediatric and adult patients.
Mental health programs are an intricate part of the
Willmar Lakes Area healthcare system. Woodland Centers is a non- profit mental health center, serving Kandiyohi County and five other counties. It’s 23 mental health professionals include, psychiatrists, PhD level psychologists and Master’s level psychologists. They provide a full range of mental health services from crisis and prevention to outpatient programs. The Willmar Community Behavioral Health Hospital (CBHH) is a 16-bed psychiatric hospital for adults 18 years of age and older specializing in acute, short-term hospitalization for assessment, stabilization and treatment. The hospital employs 35 staff including mental health professionals specializing in psychiatry, nursing, psychology, social work and occupational therapy.
In the last will and Testament of Cushman A. Rice, he bequeathed to the City of Willmar five lots at the corner of Becker and Third, along with the request to remodel the old Albert Rice home on
said lots into a modern up-to-date hospital at an expense of not more than $50,000 or less than $49,000. He also requested that the old Hans Rice house located on the lots be remodeled as a nurse’s home for the hospital at an expense of not more than $7,000, or less than $6,000. The will also reads: “This hospital shall for all time be known as the Rice Memorial Hospital in honor of my mother and father Albert and Sophia L. Rice.” The provision was made that the hospital be open to persons of all creeds or sects, colors and conditions and that all doctors licensed to practice by the state of Minnesota be allowed to practice there.
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