Page 13 - Grassroots Issue 2 - Feb 2016
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Photo: Photosportnz/ David Rowland
Selwyn Pearson is no stranger to the rugby league - Rugby League Development Foundation (completed 32
community. Selwyn, or Uncle many have come to know club facility reports for Auckland Council usage)
him by.
The veteran rugby league administrator was made an - Overseeing the construction for the NZ Rugby League
NZRL life member at last year’s annual meeting, but House
wasn’t available to receive it at the time. He wasn’t that
keen to accept it at this years' NZRL Awards function - NZRL chairman 2001-06
either. “I watch a fair bit of club football,” reflected NZRL
“To be honest, I had reservations about this award in the chairman Garry Fissenden.
first instance,” admitted Pearson. “I can’t recall being at a game and not seeing Sel there.
Then I spoke to a few people and they said I would be “I don’t know how he does it, but he seems to be at every
insulting Akarana for nominating me, I would be insulting club every week.
the committee that recommended it go to the board and “Sel’s an amazing man, who has done a lot of amazing
also the board for endorsing it. things – a lot of them are invisible, a lot are actually quite
“I didn’t want to do that, but I need to tell you that rugby visible.”
league has done a helluva lot more for me than I have In addition to Pearson’s life membership, NZRL took the
done for rugby league.” opportunity to present a Distinguished Service Awards to
Pearson’s list of rugby league accomplishments in more Auckland Rugby League's competitions manager Patrick
than 50 years includes: Carthy who has worked tirelessly to promote the game.
- Auckland Rugby League chairman 1998-2000 - NZRL
- Auckland Warriors chairman 2000
- Auckland Rugby League special projects manager 2016Issue 2 - February /