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WORLD AFFILIATE                                                 WORLD AFFILIATE

 Activities of the Australian    presentation about the Patronage Service and provided those present with an opportunity to ask
 Photographic Society in 2023  several meaningful questions.  The FIAP Distinctions Presentation was organised and hosted by
      Australia’s FIAP Liaison Officer, Bronwen Casey.  A recording of this presentation can be found at:

 By Greg McMillan MAPS AFIAP
 President of the Australian Photographic Society (APS)
         Included here are photos are from two of Australia’s EFIAP Platinum recipients. The Diamond
      recipients works, along with those from Australia’s other Distinctions recipients, can be seen in the
 For the Australian Photographic Society, 2023 has been a beneficial and rewarding year.     recording and one of each of the Diamond recipient’s works will be seen when FIAP News does its
 Building on the past and respecting the history and heritage of an association such as the APS is   annual “EFIAP Diamond Showcase”.
 important.  However, embracing the future and being proactive in responding to the needs of the
 next generation of members is equally important.
 There is no doubt that COVID had many negative impacts on individuals, communities and society
 more broadly.  It is also true to say that for a country as large as Australia and with a geographically
 spread population, COVID accelerated the opportunities to connect in an online environment.  This
 is particularly so as we celebrate member success in a wide range of online presentations for our key
 events, ranging from recognising APS Honours and FIAP Distinctions recipients, our Photobook and
 AV awards and our member and club events such as our Photo Walk Day and Australia Cup results.
 It has also increased our potential to assist members in developing themselves as photographers via
 our newly developed ‘APSLearn’ strategy.
 Members have a myriad of opportunities to develop their knowledge and skills in photography
 ranging from being club members, to a variety of online resources and structured informal or formal
 accredited courses.  While being a member of APS also helps with knowledge and skill development,
 APSLearn is more focussed on helping to develop a member as a photographer, so issues such as   Family Life by Kerry Boytell
 ethics and cultural awareness in photography are highlighted.  APSLearn is in its infancy, and we do
 World Affiliate  There were 68 people who received APS Honours in 2023.  Notable achievements were by               World Affiliate
 see this growing in a balanced, purposeful yet organic way over the next few years.
                                                                 - EFIAP Platinum recipient
              Piper in Silver Robe by Paul Thompson
                  - EFIAP Platinum recipient

      Adrian Whear APSEM/b and Graeme Watson APSEM/s.  We were also delighted to see three new
      APSEM  (Australian Photographic  Society  Exhibitor  Medal) recipients.   It was  also good  to see  a
      strong showing in the earlier levels of LAPS, AAPS and FAPS.  A video recording showing the honours
      recipient’s images is available on the APS Youtube channel and a sample of some of the APSEM
      recipient’s images are presented with this article:

 Group photo taken at Australia’s FIAP Distinctions presentations

 This year 37 Australians were awarded a FIAP Distinction, of which 15 people achieved their AFIAP
 level while another 22 achieved higher level Distinctions.  Special mention goes to John W Chapman,   Sailing Against the Tide by Adrian Whear
 who gained his EFIAP/d1, and Vicki Moritz, who gained her EFIAP/d3, for their achievements.  We   Sea of White by Graeme Watson    – APSEM/b recipient
 were privileged to have FIAP Board Member, and Director of the FIAP Patronage Service, Romain   - APSEM/s recipient
 Nero as our guest presenter for the evening. After the Distinctions presentations, Romain gave a

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