Page 71 - Libro 2
P. 71

WORLD AFFILIATE                                                 WORLD AFFILIATE

              New FIAP Distinctions for Slovene Photographers

                                                           Article by Vasja Doberlet, MFIAP, HonEFIAP
                                                                           FIAP Liaison Officer and
                                                    Hon. President of Janez Puhar Photo Society Kranj
                                                                     Event photos by: Tine Založnik

          At the November 2022 FIAP Directory Board meeting, the Board issued a guideline to all
      Operational Members that new FIAP distinctions are to be presented to successful applicants at an
      official FIAP event in the country. I commented to myself “This is normal for us that it must be a FIAP
      event. We always do it at the opening ceremony of a salon with FIAP patronage”. For me, the case was
      closed and I forgot about it. Then, from the FIAP News, August edition last year, we discovered that in
 Mr. Riccardo Busi shows    Bulgaria they formally present their Distinction Certificates with an exhibition of photographs taken
 his pictures   by the recipients of new FIAP distinctions. This made us rethink.

          We concluded it would be a very good idea to organize an event dedicated to just the new
      FIAP Distinction recipients. At the opening of FIAP salons there is always a focus on the salon, and
      its themes, and of course there is a focus on granted awards at the salon. The new Distinctions
      recipients were a secondary part of these events, and this was not fair. The FIAP Distinctions, the
      most desired distinctions for achievements in photography, are the result of systematic work over
      a long time and not a result of a single salon. The recipients of FIAP Distinctions deserve to have a
      whole event dedicated to their achievement.
          The Photographic Association of
      Slovenia delegated the organization
      of the event to the Janez Puhar
 World Affiliate  Zurab Oshkhneli (Director of the   Photo Society Kranj. It is one of the                           World Affiliate

      most active clubs in Slovenia and, in
      the city of Kranj, has a reputation as
 Nino Mghebrishvili (FIAP LO),
      a good organizer of photographic
      events.  The club has a good
 Media and TV Art College),
 Riccardo Busi (FIAP president)
      Kranj, so it was normal to have such
 and Kakha Pkhakadze         relationship with the Music School of
 (APG chairman)  an event organized in the concert
      hall of the music school and the
      program for the Presentation event
      also included musical and ballet
      performances.                                Žana Vidmar, a student of the music school, was dancing
                                                               to music by Adolf Adam

 Riccardo Busi and Zurba Oshkhneli
 during interview                                              Petra Puhar, a relative of the first
                                                               Slovenian photographer
                                                               Janez Puhar, led the event

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