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November 2020  Volume 66

                                                  Car Seat Checks

                                                 We are very excited to announce that we
            UTAHSAFETYCOUNCIL.ORG                have a new National Child Passenger
                801.746.SAFE (7233)              Safety Tech at the Utah Safety Council.
                                                 Kenzee Logue, Emergency Care Program
                                                 Manager, has recently received this
        Your Membership Benefits                 certification.  On Saturday, September
                                                 26; the Utah Safety Council held a Car
         •  Streaming Safety Videos              Seat Check event where Kenzee was able
         •  Safety Media Library                 to assist several families with their car
                                                 seats.  Several other members of the Utah
         •  Members Only Website                 Safety Council Team and Utah Highway
         •  NETS Membership                      Patrol helped out to ensure everyone that
                                                 attended left with safe, appropriately
         •  OSHA 10-Hour Training
                                                 installed car seats.
         •  First Aid, CPR and AED for
            Business Course                      “Safety has always been a passion of mine
                                                 and I think all of us are on the same page
         •  Member Appreciation Events           and can agree with child safety restraints.
         •  Breakfast Safety Seminars            Becoming a Child Passenger Safety Technician is
                                                 important to me because I have an infant, and I want to ensure that he, and
         •  Discounts on Occupational Safety
                                                                          other children are in the right seat, at the right
            Training                                                      time-and use it the right way.
         •  Health & Safety Fair
                                                                          Roughly 80% of car seats are installed incorrectly.
            Participation                                                 This is due to a lack of knowledge; and is
         •  Family Safety & Health                                        unintentional most of the time.  When I perform
                                                                          a certified car-seat check, my goal is to ensure
            Magazine                                                      every child leaves safer than when they arrived.
         •  Monthly Publications and                                      I want to share what I know about best car seat
            Email Updates
         •  Membership Recognition on                                     During a car-seat check, we not only check

            Website                                                       the installation, but we also check recalls, and
                                                                          expiration of the seat.   Some of the errors in
         •  Exclusive Discounts on Safety                                 installation we see are that is the history of the
            Products                                                      seat is unknown, the child is to big or too small
                                                                          for the current seat, and/or the seat is not locked
       In This Issue                             properly.  Car seat checks on average take less then thirty minutes.  Please
                                                 invest the thirty minutes  it takes to have your child’s car seat checked by a
        •  Membership Minute                     certified car seat technician.”
        •  Car Seat Checks
        •  SAFETY VIOLATION!                     We are very proud of Kenzee and
        •  Safety Management Systems             admire her commitment to car seat
        •  Christmas Tree Safety                 safety and emergency care.  We
        •  Upcoming Training Courses             appreciate what she does for her
                                                 team and for Utah kids.

                                                       Schedule your car seat
                                                         check with Kenzee:
                                                      call: 801.746.7233 Ext. 307
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