Page 3 - Helen Edwards Memorial Service
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                                                                                                              One Day at A Time

       elen was a founding member of the Fannie Lou Hamer Missionary Society               I'm only human I'm just a man
     and an active member of the South Carolina Club.  She also volunteered at the         Help me to believe in what I could be and all that I am
     Church’s Day Care Center.  She worked on the campaign of her Pastor, Rev.             Show me the stairway that I have to climb
     Floyd Flake, when he first ran for Congress. This was evidence of a lifelong          Lord for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
     commitment to community involvement and the political process.  For                   One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking from you
     decades she was an active member of the Guy Brewer Democratic Club and for
     over 30 years worked the polls on Election Day.                                       Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
                                                                                           Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine
        elen worked part-time as a salesclerk at Gertz Department Store, which             So for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
     later became a Macy’s.  She put her employee discount to good use because
     she loved to dress stylishly.  Along the way acquiring the nicknames “Lena            Do you remember when you walked among men
     Horne” of the family and “Hollywood.”  Helen had a passion for the needle             Well Jesus you know if you're looking below it's worse
     arts.  She was an excellent sewer, crocheter and knitter.  She actually taught        now than then
     arts and crafts and sewing at the Roy Wilkins Park Center.  Along with her
     husband, Helen worked tirelessly for their alma mater, Allen University,              Pushing and shoving crowding my mind
     attending alumni club meetings, planning fundraisers and donating money.              So for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
     Helen also had a passion for travel.  There were many car trips to South and          One day at a time sweet Jesus that's all I'm asking from you
     North Carolina to visit family.  She and her husband also did quite a bit of          Give me the strength to do everyday what I have to do
     international travel. Her travels took her to Mexico, several Caribbean Islands,      Yesterday's gone sweet Jesus and tomorrow may never be mine
     Haiti, Senegal, Ghana, the Ivory Coast, England and Canada.
                                                                                           Yes just for my sake teach me to take one day at a time
      n 2014 Helen left New York, where she lived with her son, to go live with
     her daughter in Chicago.  There she enjoyed her daily trips to the Senior
     Center, trips to the casino and especially Janis’ friends who were always so
     kind and loving to her.  Helen was on the move again when in 2017 she
     moved with Janis to Pasadena, CA.  Janis wanted to be near her daughter Lisa
     and her family.  Helen’s response was  “okay, let’s go”.  She really enjoyed
     being around her great grandchildren who kept her totally entertained.

        lways a family oriented person who was so engaged in life, ready for any
     adventure. Thank you God for giving us the life that was Helen for 100 years!

        elen Brown Edwards entered eternal and everlasting peace on Thursday,
     June 11, 2020.  She was preceded in death by her husband, Edmund
     Edwards.  She leaves to cherish her memory, her daughter, Janis Edwards
     Marley, her son, Edmund Bruce Edwards, her granddaughter Lisa Marley
     Prince ( Daniel), her grandchildren, Marley, Vivienne and Graham, a host of
     nieces, nephews, cousins and Alvin Marley.   Also, the Clinton, Smith, Carter,
     McAllister and Humphrey families of Wilmington, NC and the Blackett and
     Edwards families of Charlotte, NC.
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