Page 34 - Malaysia by John Russel Denyes
P. 34
Apart from Christianity there are four relig-
Animisn, or spirit wor-
ious systems in Malaysia :
ship, Mohammedanism, Hinduism, and Buddho-
Confucianism. The pagan races are all followers
of Animism of some sort. The Malays, Javanese,
and most of the peoples living about the coast
regions of all the islands are Mohammedans. The
immigrants from India bring their Hinduism with
them, and the Chinese practise the mixed Buddho-
Confucian-Taoism of China.
Animism Animism is a vague term applied to
all the unorganized forms of belief and
worship among the primitive peoples. It cannot
be accurately defined, for it varies with every
tribe and land. In a general way it includes cer-
tain religious ideas which are common to a greater
or less degree to practically all tribes.
To the animist there are three worlds. In the
upper world dwell the gods. Here they live just
as men live, with their wives and children. They
are interested in the same things as interest mor-
tals. They play and gamble, wage wars, have
slaves and cattle, love and hate, and enjoy them-
selves in very human ways. In the middle world
is the home of men, who have been sent to earth
from a sort of pre-existence. In the lower world
are the spirits and demons.
Among all the peoples there is the belief in a
supreme creator. This being is seldom referred to
except in prayers and incantations. There is no
definite concept as to the nature of this supreme
being or his immediate family or associates.
These superior beings are mere spectators of the