Page 54 - Malaysia by John Russel Denyes
P. 54
The problem in Malaysia is the regeneration of
at least fifty million people, ranging in civiliza-
tion all the way from the barbarous head hunters
of the jungles to the cultured but godless Europ-
ean merchant. Upon us as Christians is the re-
sponsibility of implanting within
Vast Range every heart that will receive it
of Work. that new life which comes from
God alone and which is the basis of
all true spiritual and social reformation.
The first difficulty to be met in solving the
problem is that of language. Malaysia is the
meeting place of all languages and dialects. More
than fifty languages, to say nothing
Multiform of the minor dialects, are spoken on
Speech the streets of Singapore. The Su-
perintendent of the Singapore Dis-
trict holds Quarterly Conference in seven distinct
languages. When the various native workers are
gathered together in District or Annual Confer-
ence the question of secretaries and interpreters
becomes a serious one. The language of com-
merce is Malay, but although the people of every
land soon pick up enough of this language to
transact ordinary business, very few of them ever
learn enough of it to receive religious instruction
in it. There is no other way but to seek each
group in its own language. This means that
every missionary who survives long enough must
learn from one to five languages. The multitude
of languages complicates the question of provid-
ing literature. Dictionaries must be compiled,
Bibles and other books must be translated, and
hynms must be written. There are no tools ready