Page 69 - Malaysia by John Russel Denyes
P. 69

up an army    of  consecrated,  educated,  native
      Christian leaders will yield an increase of a hun-
      dredfold.  This is the great need of Malaysia. Its
      beautiful island domain forms   the  connecting
      link between our work in southern and eastern
      Asia, having close commercial   and  ethnic  re-
      lations on the one side with India and on the other
      with China.  Some of the most    devoted  repre-
      sentatives of the Church have offered themselves
      willingly as a sacrifice for its uplifting.  Others
      are needed, who will follow in the paths which
      have been opened, and extend the saving influence
      of the cross, of the schools,  and  of  Christian
      literature to these millions of people?

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