Page 91 - Laporan Tahunan PPZ-MAIWP 2021
P. 91
Lensa 2021 89
2021 Lens
Puzat Pungutan Zakat-MAIWP
Zakat Collection Center-MAIWP
15 January 2021 - Report on Bandwidth Usage Through the Year 2020. Overall, usage was below
85% of the company’s bandwidth. The overall total bandwidth until December 2020 was 664 Mbps. The
breakdown was as follows - Internet 364Mbps, VPN 300Mbps. The total bandwidth usage for December
was 394.59 Mbps, where the usage percentage was 59.43% out of 100%.
Improvements and upgrading were implemented at the end of December and January 2021 with additional
increased bandwidth at a lower cost. The overall bandwidth total until January 2021 was 4164 Mbp The
breakdown was as follows: internet 2464 Mbps, VPN 1700 Mbps. The total bandwidth usage for December
was 456.5 Mbps, where the usage percentage was 10.96% out of 100%. This monitoring exercise was
necessary to ensure that the line speed could affect no system disruption. It is also to ensure that the unit
is always ready to find new alternatives to allow the line always to run smoothly.
2. 21 Januari 2021 - Unit Sokongan Teknikal (UST) telah
mendaftarkan satu nombor telefon khas bagi warga kerja membuat
aduan berkaitan dengan semua Sistem ICT. Kakitangan juga
boleh mengisi sendiri aduan dalam Sistem Aduan (SiZA client).
Objektif penggunaan Sistem Aduan ICT ini adalah supaya segala
aduan dapat direkod dan diambil tindakan dengan lebih cepat
dan tuntas; pengguna dapat melihat Status Aduan/Permohonan
mereka sendiri (Baharu, Tindakan, Selesai) dan sebagai rekod
bukti bagi permohonan baharu pembelian peralatan ICT untuk
menggantikan peralatan yang sedia ada yang bermasalah dan
sering rosak. Diharap dengan adanya nombor khas ini, dapat
menambahbaik sistem aduan pihak ICT.
21 January 2021 - Technical Support Unit (UST) has registered
a unique telephone number for employees to lodge complaints
concerning all ICT Systems. In addition, employees can also fill
in on their complaints in the Complaint System (SiZA client). The objective of this ICT Complaints System
is to ensure that all complaints can be recorded and acted upon swiftly and comprehensively. In addition,
users can view their own Complaint/Application Status (New, Action Taken, Completed), which serves
as an evidence record for new applications to purchase ICT equipment as a replacement for problematic
and damaged existing equipment. It is hoped that the ICT complaints system can be improved with this
unique number.