Page 19 - Laporan Tahunan PPZ 2022
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Pusat Pungutan Zakat-MAIWP
                                                                                               Zakat Collection Center-MAIWP

                                  Bengkel Teknikal Pelaksanaan Sistem Semakan Permohonan Zakat Antara Negeri-negeri
                                 Technical Workshop on the Implementation of the Interstate Zakat Application Review System

           Pencapaian tahun 2022 sebahagiannya adalah hasil daripada   amid the post-COVID-19 2022, which significantly impacted the
           aktiviti  promosi  dan  dakwah  zakat  yang  berterusan  oleh   country’s economy, with many becoming unemployed and losing
           semua pihak serta kesedaran mengenai zakat dalam kalangan   their source of income, undoubtedly, some businesses continued
           masyarakat. Walaupun situasi pasca Covid-19 pada tahun 2022   to be profitable, such as the online businesses that resulted in
           memberi kesan kepada ekonomi negara; ramai hilang pekerjaan   them making more significant Zakat payments.
           dan punca pendapatan, namun tidak dinafikan, terdapat
           perniagaan membuat keuntungan, contohnya perniagaan secara   2022 also sculptured a new history with the appointment of a new
           dalam talian dan menambah bayaran zakat mereka.     chairman Tan Sri Dr Abdul Aziz Abdul Rahman, effective 1 June
                                                               until 10 February 2024, replacing Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee,
           Tahun 2022 juga memahatkan satu sejarah baru di mana   whose tenure of service ended on 31 May 2022. PPZ-MAIWP is
           pelantikan pengerusi yang baharu Tan Sri Dr. Abdul Aziz Abdul   confident that this new blood will be the driving force to lead it to
           Rahman berkuat kuasa 1 Jun lalu sehingga 10 Februari 2024,   become an excellent Zakat institution in Malaysia.
           menggantikan Datuk Seri Syed Ali Alhabshee yang telah tamat
           perkhidmatan pada 31 Mei 2022. Pelantikan baharu ini mampu   PPZ-MAIWP has also executed various reforms where beginning
           memacu dan memimpin PPZ-MAIWP untuk menjadi sebuah   1 December 2022, and it  has  been mandated by  MAIWP to
           institusi zakat unggul di Malaysia                  collect Cash Waqf (as al- Qayyim) in the Federal Territory, thus
                                                               simultaneously acquiring Waqf MAIWP Sdn Bhd. Furthermore,
           Selain itu, pelbagai pembaharuan telah dijalankan PPZ-MAIWP,   PPZ-MAIWP has been mandated to manage the collection of
           di mana bermula 1 Disember 2022 PPZ-MAIWP telah mendapat   Zakat Fitrah beginning Ramadan 1444H in the Federal Territory in
           mandat daripada MAIWP untuk mengutip Wakaf Tunai (sebagai   the year. Therefore, all matters related to the printing of coupons,
           al-Qayyim) di Wilayah Persekutuan, sekaligus menyerap masuk   the channelling of communications and providing the required
           Wakaf MAIWP Sdn Bhd. Tahun 2022 juga PPZ-MAIWP mendapat   training to elected amils will be under the responsibilities of PPZ-
           mandat menguruskan kutipan  Zakat Fitrah bermula  Ramadan   MAIWP.
           1444H di  Wilayah Persekutuan, ini secara tidak langsung
           bertanggungjawab berkaitan cetakan kupon dan komunikasi   The agency also was crowned the Klang Valley EPF Employer
           serta sesi latihan dengan amil-amil dilantik.       of the Year by the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF). This award

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