Page 11 - Laporan Tahunan 2020 PPZ-MAIWP
P. 11

          PUS A T  PUNGUT AN ZAKA T  - MAIWP                                                                9 9

          Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh         There is  still room for improvements  and  opportunities
                                                             to improve the socio-economy, especially the standard
          Alhamdulillah.  Praise to Allah,  I would like to express  a   of living of the ummah living in the city, notably in the
          million thanks to all the zakat payers who have fulfilled   Federal Territory. MAIWP always strives to work together
          their obligations as commanded by our Lord. In executing   in helping, especially the asnaf group, to steer away from
          the zakat collection in the Federal  Territories, MAIWP   the cycle of poverty.
          has taken the initiatives to facilitate these efforts by
          establishing  PPZ-MAIWP  to  enable  zakat  payers  to   All in all, I view that PPZ-MAIWP has achieved substantial
          perform their duties via various channels.         successes, and it is  with hope that it  will continue to
                                                             transcend in  years to come. Congratulations to PPZ-
          The brand name of PPZ-MAIWP has long provided      MAIWP.
          confidence amongst the public to fulfil their obligation
          of paying zakat on their property.  The essence of an   Thank you
          organization’s  success  is perseverance  and  being
          professional  in  all  tasks.  Quality  of  service  based  on
          integrity, trust, willingness to help, dedication can convince
          the community. These, among others, are the qualities of
                                                             Datuk Seri Syed Ali Al-Habshee
          PPZ-MAIWP is among the most successful subsidiaries   Chairman of PPZ-MAIWP
          under the Federal  Territory Islamic Religious Council
          (MAIWP) regarding its achievements and operating. This
          year 2020, will be a full 30 years since the establishment
          of PPZ-MAIWP. It overcame the various challenges that
          came its way before achieving this level of success.

          MAIWP continuously extends aid and cooperation in
          making a success of any activity programs for the benefit
          of the general community, especially in the Federal
          Territory. MAIWP shoulders an extensive responsibility in
          realizing the development of the ummah in a planned and
          comprehensive manner.
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