Page 210 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 210

glory can be used to identify the mutants from
               their phenotypes in the M2 generation. More than
               18,000 students and teachers from kindergarten to
               high school participated in the JAXA Seeds in Space
               scientific education program from 2010 to 2017.
               By June 2018, two distinct types of mutant plants
               had been isolated. One of the plants featured a white
               flower (a pigment-deficient one). Working together,
               JAXA’s investigators conducted DNA sequencing of
               the plant genes to try to determine the reasons for the
               mutation. Upon completion of their study, investigators
               concluded that the mutant with a white flower was
               probably not caused by space radiation. However,
               there is no doubt that all participants—every student
               and teacher—were thrilled in the experiment to touch
               something having returned from the spaceflight, and
               to be the ones to isolate the mutants.

               Students Photograph Earth from Space
               Sally Ride Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle School
               Students (EarthKAM) is a NASA educational outreach
               program that enables students, teachers and the
               public to become researchers, with a focus on learning
               about Earth from the unique perspective of space.
               During four missions per year, middle-school students
               around the world could request images of specific
               locations on Earth. Accompanying learning guides     One of the photos taken of The Bahamas during
               and activities provided resources to engage students   the 2013 spring mission.
               in Earth and space science, geography, social studies,   Image credit: Sally Ride EarthKAM
               mathematics, communications and art.
               In February 2018, the space station crew shut down
               and stowed EarthKAM; however, the entire collection
               of Sally Ride EarthKAM images remains available in a
               searchable image archive. In all, a total of 273 schools
               representing 21,417 students and 35 countries

               Since its first space station
               expedition in March 2001,
               Sally Ride EarthKAM has
               touched the lives of nearly
               300,000 student participants
               and an unknown number of                             Two students from Good Shepherd School
                                                                    in Alberta, Canada, participate in Sally Ride
               online followers.                                    EarthKAM.
                                                                    Image credit: NASA

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