Page 219 - International Space Station Benefits for Humanity, 3rd edition.
P. 219


               Conducting education activities was not the reason why the International Space Station (ISS) was built;
               however, the presence of astronauts aboard the ISS serves as an inspiration to students and their
               teachers worldwide. Connecting with crew members in real time—either through “live” downlinks or
               by simply speaking via a ham radio—ignites students’ imagination about space exploration and its
               application to the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

               Inspiring Youth with Science in Space            Amateur Radio on the International Space Station
                                                                ( offers an ongoing opportunity
               In the 1960s, widely publicized missions to the moon
               inspired homemade space helmets and backyard     to let students speak directly with astronauts and
               bottle rockets that flew a bit shy of low-Earth orbit.   cosmonauts on the space station via ham radio.
                                                                These contacts are conducted in voice mode from
               Today, space station education programs inspire the
               next generation by providing them opportunities to   either the Zvezda Service Module or the Columbus
               watch, learn from, and even participate in space-   Module. Those conducted in the Columbus Module
               based research.                                  can be performed via two-way voice augmented with
                                                                downlink ham video. In-flight education downlink
               All space station partners—NASA, Canadian Space   sessions through the NASA Education Office also
               Agency, European Space Agency, Japan Aerospace   enable student-crew communications using live video
               Exploration Agency (JAXA) and State Space Corporation   feeds so communities can see the astronauts while
               ROSCOSMOS (ROSCOSMOS)—lead education             speaking with them.
               projects. These opportunities leverage real research
               to give students experience with the scientific process.   ARISS hardware first launched aboard Space Shuttle
                                                                Atlantis on STS-106 and transferred to the space
               Past student competitions, including Try Zero-G and   station for use by its first crew, and it has been used
               YouTube SpaceLab, allowed students to have their   regularly ever since. ARISS helps to get students
               experiments performed in orbit. These inquiry-based   interested in STEM by allowing them to talk directly
               approaches to learning enabled students and their   with crew members who are living and working
               communities to contribute to the growing knowledge   aboard the space station.
               gained from research onboard the space station.
               Students also gained an understanding of the true   An ARISS contact takes place as a part of a
               nature of science and in-depth knowledge of scientific   comprehensive suite of education activities.
               concepts, laws and theories. The programs helped   To prepare for an exchange, students study the
               them develop interests, attitudes and “habits of mind”   space station and the research conducted there.
                                                                They also learn about wireless technology, radio
               related to science and mathematics.
                                                                science, and satellite communication used for
                                                                space exploration.
                                                                The space station must pass over these earthbound
                                                                communicators during amateur radio transmissions
               Today, ISS education programs                    in order to relay signals between the space station’s
                                                                ham radio and ground receivers. Other factors affect
               inspire the next generation by                   the timing of scheduled contacts, including weather,
               providing them opportunities                     crew availability, and the schedules of visiting vehicles.
                                                                These ham radio conversations usually last about
               to watch, learn from, and                        10 minutes. Crew members answer questions from

               even participate in space-                       students as they and community members look on.
                                                                During a pass, the crew can answer an average of
               based research.                                  18 questions, depending on their complexity.
                                                                Ham radio on the space station connects and inspires
                                                                students in four ways: providing first-hand education

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