Page 13 - Laporan Tahunan 2020
P. 13

          PUS A T  PUNGUT AN ZAKA T  - MAIWP                                                                11 11

          Assalamualaikum w.b.t.                             The Prime Minister’s Department has also created a
                                                             telegram channel named #KamiAda as a platform for
          Praise be to Allah SWT. I am grateful to Allah SWT for   the public to gain information on aid distribution.
          His blessings and grace with the publication of this 2020
          annual report.  I wish to congratulate the editorial team   Lastly, I wish to thank the payers for choosing us to fulfil
          on this report, who completed it within the allotted time.  your zakat obligation payment.

          In the year 2020, promotions and zakat dissemination   Thank you, zakat payers. You are Asnaf Heroes!
          were  some  of  the  various  activities  held  by  PPZ-
          MAIWP among the community. However, 2020  was a
          challenging year for all communities as we were tested
          with the Covid-19 pandemic and the implementation of
          the Movement Control Order (PKP).

          As a zakat collecting institution, PPZ-MAIWP is always   Tuan Haji Ahmad Shukri Yusoff
          concerned  with the demanding situations experienced   PPZ-MAIWP Chief of Executive
          by those affected. Various activities were held through
          corporate social responsibility through the Khaira PPZ
          program to provide aid to them.

          The year 2020 was also a challenge to us, familiarising
          ourselves with the new norm work environment for zakat
          collection. Work assignments at the counters, promotions
          and announcements were previously done face-to-face.
          However, this has now changed with the new norm. Field
          activities had to be converted to a virtual interaction even
          though we were faced with various challenges.  However,
          we still strive to provide our services in the best possible
          manner for zakat payers via our portal, over the counters
          and other methods.
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