Page 30 - Laporan Tahunan 2020
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Pasukan teknikal ICT bekerjasama dengan pihak The ICT technical team collaborated with the auditors
juruaudit dari SIRIM QAS International Services Sdn from SIRIM QAS International Services Sdn Bhd in
Bhd, menjalankan kerja-kerja audit di kaunter-kaunter conducting audit works at the counters of Wisma
Wisma Shamelin, Putrajaya Presint Diplomatik, Wangsa Shamelin, Putrajaya Diplomatic Precinct, Wangsa Maju,
Maju, Labuan dan di bangunan Urban Tranformation Labuan and at the Urban Transformation Center (UTC)
Center (UTC) Pudu Sentral, Kuala Lumpur. Para building in Pudu Sentral, Kuala Lumpur. The auditors also
audit turut memeriksa rekod-rekod catatan tugasan examined maintenance work records of the ICT group.
penyelenggaraan yang dibuat pihak ICT.
Additionally, audit examination was carried out at the
Selain itu pemeriksaan audit diadakan di kaunter counters of Shamelin and Diplomatic Precinct, Putrajaya
Shamelin, Presint Diplomatik, Putrajaya untuk memenuhi for ISO/IEC 27001: 2013 ISMS audit. This internal audit
audit ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISMS Pemeriksaan audit dalam examination was to improve the November 2019 Sirim
ini bertujuan penambahbaikan hasil penemuan audit audit findings.
SIRIM pada November 2019.
The audit for maintenance and software-hardware
Audit bagi penyelenggaraan dan perkakasan perisian di at the counter in Labuan was conducted via remote
kaunter Labuan secara remote desktop. Ketika audit ini desktop. Labuan was still under the Covid-19 Conditional
dibuat keadaan di Labuan masih dalam kawalan Perintah Movement Control Order (PKPB) during this audit. This
Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) Convid-19. maintenance audit was to ensure reliable business
Audit penyelenggaraan ini untuk memastikan urusan operations of the counters and to fulfil SIRIM audit
operasi kaunter dan memenuhi keperluan audit SIRIM. requirements. Maintenance works at the Labuan counter
Penyelenggaraan di kaunter Labuan perlu diadakan needs to be held once annually.
sekali dalam setahun.
The audit works involved compliance with ‘standards’
Kerja-kerja audit melibatkan pematuhan terhadap requirements, legal stipulations, regulations and
kehendak ‘standard’, syarat undang-undang, peraturan contracts, monitoring, measurement, reporting,
serta kontrak, pemantauan, pengukuran, pelaporan, objective performance review, performance targets,
tinjauan prestasi objektif,sasaran prestasi, pengendalian handling organizational operations, internal audit, and
operasi organisasi, audit dalaman, dan tanggungjawab management responsibilities towards corporate policies.
pengurusan terhadap dasar organisasi.
The Information Security Management System (ISMS)
Skop pensijilan Sistem Pengurusan Keselamatan certification incorporates the management, operation,
Maklumat (ISMS) untuk pengurusan, operasi, development and maintenance of the Zakat Integration
pembangunan dan penyelenggaraan sistem integrasi System (SiZA) in the organization. The audit found zero
zakat (SiZA) di organisasi. Hasil audit mendapati non-conformance reports (NCR) and opportunity-of-
tiadanya laporan ketakakuran (NCR) dan peluang improvement (OFI) upon completion of the audit session.
penambahbaikan (OFI) apabila selesai sesi audit dibuat. As Covid-19 hit Malaysia nationwide, Movement Control
Akibat melandanya Pandemik Covid-19 seluruh negara Order (PKP) was enforced in mid-March 2020. Following
kerajaan menguatkuasakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan this order, all PPZ-MAIWP operations were temporarily
(PKP) perrtengahan Mac 2020. Melalui perintah ini semua halted. However, from the end of April to early May, only
operasi PPZ-MAIWP dihentikan buat sementara. Namun five branch counters were allowed to operate in Taman
akhir April hingga awal Mei hanya lima kaunter cawangan Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI), Shamelin, Diplomatic Precinct,
di benarkan beroperasi di Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI), Wangsa Maju, and Labuan by complying with all the
Shamelin, Presint Diplomatik, Wangsa Maju, dan Labuan standard operating procedures (SOPs). Meanwhile, a
dengan mematuhi semua prosedur operasi standard work-from-home system was introduced, and staff were
(SOP).Dalam masa yang sama sistem bekerja dari rumah supplied with notebook computers and broadband