Page 7 - Laporan Tahunan 2020
P. 7
Congratulations and well done to PPZ-MAIWP for Zakat is the only instrument that could lessen the
successfully publishing the 2020 Zakat Annual Report. gap between the rich and the poor. The success in
We have, without fail, published the report since 1990. It professionally managing the zakat collection can prevent
is of utmost importance that an organization like PPZ- this gap between the two groups from widening further.
MAIWP provides information on the funds collected and
the number of payers each year. Supporting and helping people in need are noble practices
and is commanded by Islam. Fulfilling zakat obligation is
The success of PPZ-MAIWP as an organization of amils the religious observance from three others, that is, infaq
(tithe collectors) greatly impacted the socio-economy of (donations), sadaqah (giving of alms) and waqf. When all
the community in this country. Accredited PPZ-MAIWP these conditions are met, the group of payers must fulfil
amils collected Zakat on Asset in the three Federal the obligation of zakat. Eight groups of asnafs are those
Territories of Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur and Labuan. who are eligible to receive this zakat.
This publication serves as an information display on the Wassalam (Peace be upon you)
total collection, the number of payers, zakat promotional
activities, incentives for payers who fulfilled their zakat
Proceeds from the zakat collection have indirectly
contributed to the progress of the socio-economy of the
Muslim community, especially in the cities. Many still
required aid due to the pressure from the extremely high YB Senator Datuk Dr Zulkifli Mohamad al-Bakri
cost of living. This phenomenon can lead to the creation of Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office (Religious Affairs)
the urban poor group.
As we are all aware, the year 2020 saw the country being
hit by the Covid-19 pandemic that has affected public
health, loss of household income and unstable economic
condition. I hope that, as an institution with 30 years of
providing services towards Muslims, PPZ-MAIWP will
continue to remain proactive in its management and
services to zakat payers.