Page 12 - Risk Management
P. 12

Risk Treatment

               Accept/tolerate                              Transfer                      Avoid/terminate                             Reduce

               Accept/tolerate:                     Transfer: The                         Avoid/terminate:                     Reduce: In some
               Organizations may                    wholesale transfer of                 Avoidance refers to                  instances, it is
               choose to accept                     risk is rare; however,                the general strategy                 possible to reduce
               that a threat may or                 organizations can                     of eliminating the                   the overall threat
               may not occur and                    elect to transfer                     uncertainty                          exposure by either
               choose to not take                   some aspects of risk                  associated with a                    reducing (but not
               any action.                          to another party.                     threat by preventing                 eliminating) the
                                                                                          it from occurring.                   probability of
                                                                                                                               occurrence and/or
                                                                                                                               impact level.
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