Page 14 - NC Hurrican Recovery
P. 14


         Recovery  includes  all  actions  taken  to  keep  people  safe  and  return  communities  to  normalcy.
         Some actions will be immediate, like those taken to stop life-threatening bleeding, or to prevent
         further injury. Other actions will take longer as time determines the recovery or the extent of
         the damage . Hurricane Florence Key disasters lack resources needed to adequately prepare for
         the event. Vulnerable populations are often hurt the most during restoration.

         Vulnerable  populations  are  often  hurt  the  most  during  disasters  as  they  lack  the  resources
         needed to adequately prepare.

         Key Points of Recovery:

         ❖ Takes place AFTER the emergency is over.
         ❖ Goal is to get life back to normal as soon as possible.
         ❖ Making repairs and filing insurance are examples of recovery.
         ❖ Recovery also includes assessing your mitigation, preparedness and response actions and
              refining them for a possible future emergency.

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