Page 28 - NC Hurrican Recovery
P. 28


         While there are a host of challenges facing service providers in the disaster recovery, there are
         also opportunities for development  and innovation around the notion of providing services for
         citizens. This section highlights some of the most significant areas that need exploration.

          This  section  build  off  of  the  unmet  needs  and  shows  where  additional  services  can
         be leveraged to meet the needs that have been identified.


                • FEMA (Primary residence)
                       ➢ The federal Emergency Management Agency is the main source of funding
                          for assistance with disaster recovery for primary residences.
                • SBA
                       ➢ The Small Business Administration is the primary source of loans for recovery
                          of housing.

          Assistance through Individual Assistance Program Policy

          Guide [7]

         Consolidates  policies  for  Individual  Assistance  (IA)  Programs  (Individuals  and
         Households, Mass Care and Emergency Assistance Programs, and Community Services

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