Page 4 - NC Hurrican Recovery
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         When  disaster  strikes,  there  are  many  factors  that  must  be  considered,  as  well  as,  real  and
         potential impacts to assess and act upon. The NC Hurricane Florence Disaster Recovery Report
         provides substantive information that can be used to better understand a wide range of impacts
         of  disaster  scenarios,  local  input,  and  to  identify  resources  and  assistance  accessible  to
         vulnerable populations across the state.

         North Carolina has been very forward-leaning in the disaster recovery arena by establishing the
         North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) [1]. This was an outgrowth of the
         response  to  Hurricane  Florence  and  it  builds  on  the  recovery  framework  around  Hurricane
         Matthew.  This  office  helps  to  provide  for  perhaps  the  greatest  challenge—marshalling  the
         sundry  resources  that  are  available  to  assist  citizens  in  the  aftermath  of  a  disaster.  Knowing
         what is available and leveraging existing resources is one of the most profound advances gained
         by NCORR’s creation. Eastern North Carolina has benefitted from this recovery framework and
         many of the lessons learned have contributed to this report.

         The table below shows the allocation of funds and amounts distributed taken from the February
         7, 2020 report.

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