Page 41 - NC Hurrican Recovery
P. 41


         These  concepts,  taken  together,  could  be  an  immensely  powerful  force  for  citizens  who  are
         affected  by  disasters.  One  factor  that  keeps  coming  to  memory  from  the  first  phase  of  this
         process  that  included  the  focus  group  sessions,  is  the  benefit  of  local  participation.  It  was
         stressed  during  all  of  our  field  visits  that  it  is  very  helpful  to  have  people  who  are
         knowledgeable of the people and surroundings in the community that is affected by a disaster.
         Bringing together all of these assets could be a very effective way of helping citizens recover
         from a disaster.

         Communities  confronted  with  disaster  have  unique  needs  and  challenges  when  it  comes  to
         assisting underserved populations. The concepts gathered here focus on the collective strength
         of  community  action  agencies  and  their  ability  to  efficiently  and  effectively  coordinate
         resources, and leverage resources at all levels with a variety of partners both public and private,
         local, state and federal, and with input from the low-income community .

         While  funding  is  needed  to  implement  these  concepts,  we  believe  the  costs  associated  with
         preparedness  and  recovery  will  be  far  less  if  implemented,  than  the  costs  over  time  of
         continuing  not  to  bridge  the  gaps  and  educate  vulnerable  citizens  on  what  to  do  and  how  to
         respond when communities are threatened by disaster.

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