Page 19 - NC Hurrican Florence Disaster Recovery
P. 19

Survey Results


                      o    Most respondents indicated that text messaging, telephone, radio, and
                           television are the most important means of communicating with

               Reasons Why Individuals/Families Do Not Evacuate:

                      o    Most respondents indicated that the major reasons are:

                              ▪ Staying to protect their home
                              ▪ A sense of no need to evacuate (riding it out)
                              ▪ They have nowhere to go

               What Worked Best During Hurricane Florence:

                      o     The various means of communications. The utilized communications
                            methods were considered effective.

               Opportunities to Improve Based on Response to Hurricane Florence:

                      o    Although communication methods were effective, additional modes of
                           communication were a major opportunity for future improvement.
                           Securing additional funding and resources for impacted families was also
                           noted as a needed future improvement.

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