Page 29 - NC Hurrican Florence Disaster Recovery
P. 29

o    Temporary housing
                       o    Lodging reimbursement
                       o    Home repair
                       o    Home replacement
                       o    Permanent or semi-permanent housing construction

                       o    Additional Needs – Disaster related:

                               •   Childcare
                               •   Medical and Dental
                               •   Funeral and burial expenses
                               •   Household items
                               •   Fuel for heat
                               •   Clean-up
                               •   Damages to an essential vehicle
                               •   Moving and storage
                               •   Other expenses authorized by FEMA
                               •   Other expenses authorized by law

         o    The  key  challenge  facing  citizens  in  the  aftermath  of  a  disaster  is  navigating  the  large
              number  of  potential  services  that  may  be  available  to  assist  with  recovery.  Having  a
              knowledgeable coordinator to give advice on services tailored to a particular citizen is  an
              extremely  valuable  service  at  the  time  of  greatest  vulnerability.  Such  a  coordinator
              would leverage all available resources by tapping into a knowledge base enhanced by use
              of NCCARE360.

         o    Nutrition   Disaster  Supplemental  Nutritional  Assistance  Program  (DSNAP).  DSNAP
              provides  eligible  low-  to  moderate-income  households  -  who  do  not  normally  receive
              SNAP  benefits  -  with  help  buying  groceries  due  to  lost  income  or  damages  following  a

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