Page 18 - History of Community Action - Module 1.final1_1_Neat
P. 18

The Ford


            (1974 – 1977)

                                                                                              Gerald Ford (right) and Donald Rumsfeld (left),

                                     •    During President Gerald Ford’s administration, the OEO was

                                          terminated and replaced by the Community Services

                                          Administration.  This diminished the agency’s presence. It no
                                          longer was in the Executive Office but was slated to be

                                          transferred into HEW.

                                     •    Ford self-described himself as a domestic moderate and fiscal

                                          conservative.  The CAA was not a priority for him, and he paid

                                          more attention to the complaints against CAAs from local
                                          politicians.  Overall funding of CAAs was basically flat or below

                                          inflation during this period.
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