Page 37 - CU Hardee
P. 37

What is the root                   What are the pain                  What are the
        Where does the                     Where does the                     cause(s) of the                    points in the                      assumptions to

        process starts?                    process ends?
                                                                              process?                           process?                           considered?

        Administration and Finance         Once awarded                       Miscommunication                   Students ineligible                List of all available scholarships

        Admissions                         Comptroller’s                      Unclear structure                  Students receive                   Scholarship application
        Department                         Administration and Finance         Multiple awarding of scholarship   Late scholarship submission        Technology capability
                                                                              (people, depts, etc.)

        Finance                            Once student receives the          Unauthorized awarding of           Late external funding              Students having a point of
                                           refund                             scholarships                                                          contact
        Recruitment                        Once student receives the          Lack of documentation              Management ignoring terms          Completed FAFSA

        Student                                                               Late scholarship submission        Made up scholarships               Parties understanding their roles

        When the student applies;                                             No scholarship terms and           Nothing in writing
        completed scholarship                                                 conditions

        Inquiry of available scholarship                                      Unmet terms and conditions         Too much cross communication

        Offer scholarship                                                                                        Internal conflict

                                                                                                                 Internal communication
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