Page 108 - Six Sigma Yellow Belt
P. 108

AS IS Process

                                                                                                                11. Student
                                   1. Student                            6. Advisor                      Emails the advisor and                   16. Department Chair
                             Decides to enroll in                Calls the student for an                                                        Emails the student that
         Start                courses next term                        appointment                        chair for approval for
                                                                                                                the courses                       the courses have been
                                                                                                                                                     inputted into the
                                   2. Student                            7. Advisor                       12. Department Chair                             system
                           Emails their advisor to                 Reviews the student                    approves the courses
                                  schedule an                    progress- getting ready                                                                17. Student
                                 appointment                       for the appointment                                                            Goes into the system

                                                                                                                                                     and enroll in the
                                                                                                                 13. Advisor                       courses (day, times)
                                  3. Student                             8. Advisor                       Enters the courses into

                          Can see the advisor for                 Discusses the student                           the system
                                  two weeks                     progress in the meeting

                                                                         9. Advisor
                                  4. Student                     Decided which courses                            14. Advisor

                            Decides to go to the                  the student needs to                    Approves the courses in
                                     Chair                                   take                                 the system

                                                                        10. Advisor
                                  5. Student                                                               15. Department Chair
                          Emails the advisor and                  Calls the Department                   Approves the courses in
                          cancel the appointment                   Chair to discuss the                           the system
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