Page 139 - IACET Application
P. 139

Comments / Notes

                                          Outcomes Assessment  Assessment Method and Performance   Criteria  To successfully complete this course and  receive CEUs, students must pass the end‐ of‐course examination with a score of   75% or better.

                                               Method used along with learning styles that are  accomodated with this method

                                          Instructional Content and Methods  Online Delivery  •Visual     •Auditory

                                                 Instructional Materials Used  Self Paced Webinar  Reading Materials  Quiz

                                          Learning Outcomes  List Learning Outcomes  Upon completing this course, the   learner will be able to:  •Recognize the key elements of  results‐oriented management •Demonstrate how accountability  measures and indicators are  established in compliance with the   program  Achieving these outcomes will  meet the requirements described   in the needs analysis.

                                          Needs Analysis  Need, Content Description and/or Purpose  To ensure staff who work directly with families on the family partnership process hired after November 7, 2016, have within eighteen months of hire, at a minimum, a credential or certification in social  counseling or a related field.

                                      COURSE DESIGN DOCUMENT  CEU Calculation  Time Allocated /  Learning   Environment  This is a computer‐based self‐ paced course to be provided in  Moodle. The course is comprised  of a recorded PowerPoint lecture  along with supplemental readings work, human services, family services,

                                                 Unit/Lesson Name  120 Minutes  Case Management ‐   ROMA  and videos.
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