Page 177 - IACET Application
P. 177
3. Are there any
2a. In addition to specific changes
the rating scale, to the content 4a. Please use
1a. In addition to the 4. I found the
1. Overall, I rating scale, please 2. Overall, I please comment assisgnments instructor this section to 5. After this 6. Would you
identify your
on which
course I feel
found the comment on what found the comments/feedb recommend 7. Please tell us
content of this content (modules, assignments assignments you that you would ack helpful in instructor and more confident this course to a how you heard
Response number found the most recommend to provide in my ability to:
course to be articles, etc.) that you for the course furthering my co-worker? If about this
helpful to you in
that we make
relevant to my specifically found to be relevant your current role before the next understanding of information (provide up to yes, why? If course.
work. most helpful to your to my work. at work. (provide class begins the concepts about your statements). no, why not?
work. presented.
up to three (provide up to answer.
comments). three
The feedback I
was given was Yes, after
to go back and reading I now
read it over, understand the Yes, I think it is
Some of the but I was never importance of a good idea to
Assignment given any doing my best have everyone
Instructions in information to get parents take a course to
the power point from the involved and have a better
do not match instructor to the importance understanding I was signed up
the Instructions further my of data of their impact for it by Region
1 Agree Agree in Blackboard. Disagree understanding. gathered. on the families. 7 Head Start
The instructor
gave me extra
time on an Resolve conflict,
assignment better self
where I really care,and yes, its very
One thing I found wanted to understanding simple to work
helpful was when real Everything on the complete and when and through and
life examples with modules are things found her to be where the course is
families were used for I do on a daily very headstart very
2 Agree scenarios. Agree basis. Agree understanding. started. manageable. Supervisor
I found all of the
modules most helpful.
Coming from a quicker turn
different work around on feed
background the back and
information in this I found the grading yes. for a new
module would have modules on more detailed family service
been most beneficial assessing needs information on access family worker the
to me at the and conducting scenarios needs. training would
beginning of my home visits most assignments are Lora Macy conduct home be very
3 Agree training as FSW. Agree helpful. based on. Agree Jones visits beneficial Through work
Module 6
Assignment 1.
Because it made
you create a
complete Famiky
Assesment from
beginning to end
and this process Lora Macy
has helped me to Jones was a I feel more
be more aware of great instructor confident on Yes, it is
how to create a and always got how to better actually pretty
more professional back quickly to document and helpful and not
I thought all of them Family Partnership my emails or organize my to over too Through Head
4 Agree were helpful. Agree Plan. No Agree commments. documentation. overwhelming. Start.
5 Agree all helpful Agree no Agree