Page 40 - NC Hurricane Recovery Report
P. 40

LDRCs are experienced in working with underserved and vulnerable populations. They reside in
         the communities in which they serve and have a stake in ensuring the wellbeing of low-income
         families and the community.

         This model houses a Statewide Coordinator(s) at the NCCAA with an annual estimated cost of
         $70,000. LDRCs will be housed in CAAs with an annual estimated cost of $45,000 per
         coordinator. Supplies, equipment and overhead costs are estimated at $10,000 per community
         action agency for a total of $55,000 each. A pilot in North Carolina’s most hurricane prone
         counties would consist of approximately five community action agencies for a total cost of
         $275,000 + $70,000 (State Coordinator) = $345,000.

         Case Management

         This could provide a model for creating coordinated support for individuals and harness
         resources for disaster recovery.


         One of the critical needs identified in the preparation of the disaster recovery report, is the need
         to be able to track cases and associated information. A Case management tracking system that
         captures and tracks comprehensive disaster service delivery and data sets (services provided,
         families served, time frame, costs etc.) would provide transparency, accountability and return-
         on-investment details. We envision a relational database with workflow and case management
         capabilities. This tool could also complement or integrate      with the various other case
         management systems that either are currently in use or are contemplated for other operations.

         While the main thrust of this innovation is technology related, it also perfectly aligns with the
         concept of placing Local Disaster Recovery Coordinators in CAAs. This tool would be the
         principal tracking tool that connects families with the services and resources needed via
         community action agencies and other service providers.

         Equipment and related peripheral device costs will be determined based on the number of
         organizations utilizing the system, customization for data collection and the system’s ability to
         communicate with existing case management data systems.

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