Page 54 - Claflin Cabinet Retreat
P. 54

Island Survival Scenario

     • Objective
                                                                                       Scenario Description
            • The objective of this scenario is to
                                                                                              Teams A and B find themselves
                enhance teamwork, decision-making
                                                                                              stranded on a deserted island after
                under pressure, creative and
                                                                                              their plane, equipped with
                innovative thinking, and strategic
                                                                                              deflected instruments - (everyone
                planning among team members. The
                                                                                              survives). They must survive for 10
                scenario is designed so that team
                                                                                              days until rescue arrives.
                members must depend on each other
                                                                                              Each team member will perform
                to successfully survive the simulated
                                                                                              their individually and
                environment as we need to think
                                                                                              **then get together as a team to
                about how we survive in higher
                                                                                              present one rating (Group A and B).
                education landscape.

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