Page 21 - Finances for Non-Finance People
P. 21
Teresa's Nonprofit
Budget to Actual Report
For the period: January 1, 2023- March 31, Some notes on explanations:
Revenue: Overall, the organization was able to meet its revenue
Budget Actual Variance
goals, with only a small variance of $300. Donations were higher
than expected, which helped offset the lower grant income.
Grants $ 50,000 $ 48,000 $ 2,000
Donations $ 10,000 $ 12,000 $ (2,000)
Expenses: The organization was able to stay within its expense
Fundraising $ 5,000 $ 4,500 $ 500
budget, with a variance of only $500. Program expenses: The actual
Program fees $ 2,500 $ 2,750 $ (250)
expenses for the program were lower than expected due to the
Other $ 500 $ 450 $ 50 lower than expected grant income.
Total Revenue Budget $ 68,000 $ 67,700 $ 300 However, the organization was still able to deliver its programs as
planned. Salaries and benefits: The actual salaries and benefits were
Expenses slightly higher than expected due to the need to hire additional staff
Program expenses $ 45,000 $ 43,500 $ 1,500 to support the increased donation income.
Salaries and benefits expenses $ 15,000 $ 15,200 $ (200)
Rent and utilities $ 5,000 $ 5,500 $ (500)
Fundraising expenses $ 3,000 $ 3,500 $ (500)
Other $ 2,000 $ 1,800 $ 200
Total Expenses Budget $ 70,000 $ 69,500 $ 500