Page 11 - Yellow Belt Six Sigma
P. 11

Exercise σ? Enrollment

                                                                                                                               To calculate the percentage error rate, we can use the formula:
                                                                                                                               Percentage error rate = (Number of errors / Number of
                                                                                                                               opportunities) x 100%

      In 2022, University X received                                                                                           In this case, the number of opportunities is the total number of

      6,000 applications for                             Step 1:        Percentage error rate = (Number of                     applications received, which is 6,000. The number of errors is
                                                                                                                               given as 1,000.
      admission. The university                                         errors / Number of opportunities) x                    Percentage error rate = (1,000 / 6,000) x 100% = 16.67%
      prides itself on its ability to                    Step 2:        To calculate the sigma level, we can                   To calculate the sigma level, we can use the Six Sigma table

      apply six sigma improvement                                       use the Six Sigma table which shows                    which shows the number of defects per million opportunities
      methodologies and has                                             the number of defects per million                      (DPMO) for each sigma level.
                                                                        opportunities (DPMO) for each sigma
      reduced the application error                                     level. (Plain English:  Step 1 X 1,000,000)            Based on the percentage error rate of 16.67%, the DPMO
                                                                                                                               would be: DPMO = 16.67% x 1,000,000 = 166,700
      rate to 1,000. What is the                         Step 3:        Use a Six Sigma table to find the

      percentage error rate and                                         process sigma. You will look for the                   According to the Six Sigma table, a DPMO of 166,700
                                                                        number closest to 166,667
                                                                                                                               corresponds to a sigma level of approximately 2.4 sigma.
      what six sigma level would                                        under defects per 1,000,000.                           This means that the University X has been able to significantly

      that equate to approximately.                                                                                            reduce the error rate in its application process, but there is still
                                                                                                                               room for improvement. By continuing to use Six Sigma
                                                                                                                               methodologies and tools to identify and eliminate the root
                                                                                                                               causes of errors, the university can strive towards a higher
                                                                                                                               sigma level of quality and further improve the application
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