Page 28 - NCCAA Finance Board Accountability
P. 28

Net Assets are the difference between total assets and total
            Statement                                                           liabilities. It represents the portion of the assets that the
                                                                                organization owns (not allocated for a liability).

            of                                                                  It is the amount of money that would be left over if all of the
                                                                                organization's debts were paid off. Think of net assets as the
                                                                                organization's equity or value.

            Financial                                                           Net assets fall into two categories: without restrictions and with


            Position                                                                   Restrictions on net assets are created by the donor.
                                                                                       Net assets will increase or decrease based upon the

                                                                                       results of the operations as reflected on the statement of
            (Balance                                                                   activities.

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