Page 12 - Non-Profit Finance
P. 12

                                                STATEMENT OF ACTIVITIES
                                                     December 31, 2018

                                                            Without Donor   With Donor
                                                             Restrictions  Restrictions  Total
                            Grants- ZYZ                                       -          700,000       700,000
                            Grants- I5O                               200,000                  -       200,000
                            Interest Revenue                              5,000                  -           5,000
                            Fundraising Revenue                         50,000                  -         50,000                     Statement
                            Donations                                   50,000                  -         50,000
                            Other Revenue                                     -                  -               -
                               Total Revenues                         305,000          700,000    1,005,000

                           Net Assets Released from Resctrictions                                                                                       of
                            Satisfaction of Program Restrictions            350,000        (350,000)               -

                               Total Public Suppport and Revenues            655,000          350,000    1,005,000

                           EXPENSES:                                                                                                     Activities
                            Program                                   550,000                  -       550,000
                            Support Services:
                             Management and General                     45,000                  -         45,000
                             Fundraising                                30,000                  -         30,000
                               Total Supporting Services                75,000                  -         75,000

                               Total Expenses                         625,000                  -       625,000

                           CHANGE IN NET ASSETS                         30,000                  -         30,000

                           NET ASSETS --Beginning of Year               50,000          400,000       450,000

                           NET ASSETS -- End of Year                    80,000          400,000       480,000
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