Page 20 - Non-Profit Finance
P. 20



                                  Ratio                              Measures                             Calculation                     Suggested Standard

                    Operating Margin                       Is the agency effective at             Operating profit (revenues                             25%
                                                           generating a surplus                   less expenses) / by

                                                                                                  operating revenues
                    Program Efficiency                     How effective are funds                Program costs excluding                                66%

                                                           used for programs                      any special projects and
                                                           (helping the agency fulfill            pass through / total
                                                           its mission)                           expenses

                    Fundraising Efficiency                 How effective are                      Contribution and/or                                     4.0
                                                           fundraising activities                 fundraising revenue /
                                                           (expense required to raise             fundraising expenses
   15   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25