Page 10 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 10
Amber Foucha, senior, Biology
major, from New Orleans,
Louisiana. This past summer,
conducted research at
Brookhaven National Laboratory
in Long Island, NY. She also
serves as student government
association president.
Jessica Thomas, senior,
Biology major, from New
Orleans, Louisiana. Most
recently, conducted research
within the Center for
NanoBiotechnology Research
at Alabama State University.
Christopher Jolivette, senior,
Biology major, from Anaheim,
California. Mr. Jolivette was a
part of the Support for Research
Excellence (SuRe) Program
(R16), where he was responsible
for the development of a Modified
Southern University Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion Test
at New Orleans Analyzing Antimicrobial Activity
of 3D Printing Nanoparticles.