Page 29 - Modul GE Full
P. 29
a. Working in pairs. Ask your friend to read the passage for you and try to understand as
much as you can at the first hearing.
b. Individually, read the text above silently and try to understand the complete story.
2. Language Features
a. The Simple Past Tense denotes a past action. It is usually used with time signals, e.g.,”
yesterday, last week, a month ago, etc.
b. Usually the simple past ends in -ed (regular verbs) but many verbs do not end -ed
(irregular verbs).
Regular verbs (-ed) Irregular verbs
Check Checked Buy Bought
Boil Boiled Do Did
Play Played Give Gave
Study Studied Meet Met
Wait Waited Read Read
etc. etc.
c. In interrogatives and negatives, it uses Did/Did not + Infinitive
Verbal Sentence
Positive Subject Past Verb Object Time Signal
She walked - last night
We enjoyed the concert last week
They wrote letters yesterday
Negative Subject Did not + Object Time Signal
She did not walk - last night
We did not enjoy the concert last week
They did not write letters yesterday
Interrogative Did Subject Infinitive Time Signal
Did she walk last night
Chapter III – Talking about Holiday 25