Page 57 - June 2024 - Summer Edition
P. 57


                               GOOD & WELFARE

                With love and concern, we think about you and wish you well

       Lion Nadene Batson (Laurelton)                               Lion Ana Baptista (Laurelton)

        Lion Dorothy Barnett (Hollis)

               Sending our profound condolences to these Bereaved Families

     ❑ Lion  Barbara  Williams  (Past  Treasurer,  Mid-Bedford  Heights  Lions  Club,  Pioneer  Graphic  Arts
         Designer for Kings and Queens E-News / Magazine and Past District Photographer) has passed from
         this  earthly  body  into  new  life  with  her  Creator.  “Her  Divine  Creator  reached  out  His  hand  and
         rescued her out of deep waters, into the safe shelter of His gentle embrace to rest in everlasting
         peace that was prepared for her.”

     ❑ Past  International  President  Douglas  X.  Alexander  (Brooklyn  Bedford  Stuyvesant  Lions  Club)
         regretfully  shares the sad news that his youngest sister, Ms. Yolanda Gadson has transitioned into
         eternity, “May the angels encamp around you and your family, bringing comfort and peace as you
         recall many happy memories.”

     ❑ The Mid-Bedford Lions Club, Inc. mourns the loss of another dedicated Lion.  Lion  Irma  Sanders
         served  faithfully  as  Chairperson  of  the  District  20-K1  Choir  “She  has  run  with  perseverance  and
         thrown off everything that hinders and is now surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses in the
         heavenly kingdom.”

     ❑ Lion Rose Gomes, President, Brooklyn Midwood Lions Club, regrets to announce that she has lost
         her son-in-law,, Mr. James Jay Thompson. “Do not grieve like those who have no hope.  Come to me
         all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

     ❑ Mid-Bedford Heights Lions Club, Inc. laments the transition of Lion Loretta Easley - Gipson.  She was
         a long-standing, dedicated and well-respected  community service provider.  “Blessed are they that
         die in The Lord that they may rest from their labors  and their works will follow them.”
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