Page 3 - Enews April 2020 Edition
P. 3

Volume VII, No. 5

                                               MD20 ENDORSES
                     FVP DOUGLAS X. ALEXANDER FOR IP

                    Dear Lions of MD20,

                    Congratulations on a successful morning of electronic voting!  The
                    COVID-19  virus  is  no  match  for  committed  Lions  determined  to
                    carry on in their service to the organization.  A total of 374 valid
                    votes were cast in this election, all in favor of the endorsement of

                    FVP  Douglas  X.  Alexander  for  the  office  of  President  of  Lions
                    Clubs  International.  Congratulations,  FVP  Doug!  News  of  this
                    unanimous endorsement by MD20 will be transmitted to LCI upon
                    the resumption of normal business activities.

                    Thank you for your participation in this novel process.  It will be
                    repeated with slight modification for the election of district officers

                    within  the  next  several  weeks.       Please  prepare  now  for  the  full
                    participation  of  your  delegates  by  securing  accurate  email  ad-
                    dresses and member numbers for all of your members.

                    Yours in Service

                    PCC Mark Whitney
                    PDG Anthony Paradiso
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