Page 28 - Enews November 2019 edition_Neat
P. 28

The Kings & Queens

                                              GOOD & WELFARE

                                      #familiesmatter  # Onelove

                                                                                   We pause to remember the
                                                        Best Wishes!                 “sick and shut in”:
                                           Happy Birthday greetings to
                                           P.I.D. Douglas X. Alexander!
                                           Live long, prosper and may     1. PDG Keith Headley (Brooklyn Clinton Hills)
                                           your days of service be blessed!   2. Lion Rose Gaynus (Brooklyn Bridge)
                                                                          3. Lion  Vera Lincorish  (Brooklyn Bridge)
                                                                          4. Lion Ivan Cato  (Starrett City / Spring Creek)
          Lion Sandy Fraser - Thomas
          (Brooklyn Leaders) who is the first
          Lion in District 20-K1 to earn the
          Doctoral Degree at Lions University.

                             Sending our profound condolences to these bereaved families:

             1.     Lion John Rovnak, MJF (Greenpoint / Williamsburg) served his community for over
                    40 years and passed away at age 81 in Milton, Vermont.  May he rest in peace.

             2.     Lion Jeanne Birmingham (Winthrop) has transitioned from an earthly life of service to
                    her eternal reward.   May she rest in perpetual peace.

             3.     Lion Marcella Mason (Immediate Past Secretary, Brooklyn Alpha) mourns the transition of her
                    beloved husband and partner in service, Mr. Carlos Alexander Mason.  The Home Going Service
                    and Internment  took place in Maryland.

             4.     PCT Joseph De Gaetano, (President, Queens Corona) mourns the passing of his aunt, Ms. Doro
                    thy De Gaetano, May she rest peacefully in eternity.

             5.     Lion Vadis McKenzie (1st. Vice President, Brooklyn Leaders) grieves the loss of her aunt,
                    Ms. Desiree Hooper. May her soul rest in peace.

             6.     Lion Mary DeSilvestri (Secretary, Corona) lost her 54 year son, following a long battle with
                    cancer. May he return to his eternal father and rest  in perfect peace.

             7.     Lion Annette Hinkson-Smith (Laurelton) cherishes the memories of her aunt, Mrs. Venus Roach
                    who suddenly passed into eternity Funeral and interment took place in Trinidad.

             8.     Lion Irma Caso (Charter member, Sunnyside Suramericano) is heavily overcome by the passing
                    of her husband, Lion Luis Caso, (Charter member and Past Secretary, Sunnyside Suramericano)
                    We pray that his soul rests in eternal peace.
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