Page 57 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens September 2021 E-Newsletter
P. 57
District 20-K1 Training (Word, Excel & PowerPoint)
Date: Sep 7, 21
1. Name: _________________________
Email: _ Phone: ____
2. Home Club & Title
Course Title (Multiple Selection Allowed): Deadline to submit application:
(Sept – November 2021) Word ☐ August 31, 2021
(Dec – Feb, 2022) Excel ☐ November 30, 2021
(Mar – May, 2022) PowerPoint ☐ February 28, 2022
3. Desktop or Laptop (Name & Type): ______________________________
4. Microsoft Office Installed? Yes ☐ No: ☐
5. What skill do you most want to learn (How to write reports, provide
presentations, Prepare dues spreadsheets or other)
6. Provide brief description of your computer skills (2-3 sentences only):
Email Application To: