Page 16 - District 20-K1 Kings & Queens Spring Editon E-Newsletter 2022
P. 16

PDG Jacqueline Williams, Coordinator

        Good Evening Lions,

        Despite the weather today, we are headed towards Spring and Summer. We

        are also headed towards a gradual recovery from an unwelcome visitor in

        Covid 19.

        As we begin to see our friends and families more often and continue to

        move our Lions projects forward, the Global Membership Approach Team

        shares some strategies for making this an unforgettable opportunity to
        rejuvenate your club.

        Let's take this 2022 Springtime as an opportunity to strengthen our internal
        club policies!

        Let's take this time to examine past practices in the face of a changed


        But, let's also take this time, to reconnect, reimagine, and re-engage each

        other in our clubs and in our communities.

        So, to that point, I am attaching a short worksheet that can be used in your

        April, May and June club meetings to set up your club's plans now and in

        the future.        I am also drawing your attention to important activities to

        acknowledge and recognize your club members' service.

        Lions, now is the time to celebrate your next steps on the service journey

        that shapes your life.

        PDG Jacqueline Williams

        Global Membership Approach Coordinator and Team
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