Page 20 - E-newsSeptember2019
P. 20

Volume V1, No 1                                                                   Page 20

                         AN ALERT FROM “THE ALERT TEAM”

          Effective July 1 , 2019 The 20-K 1   Bottled water and nonperishable food,   Aerosol tire repair kits and/or tire in-
          Alert Team adopted the RV Park at   such as granola bars             flator to repair flat wheelchair or scoot-
          Floyd Bennett Field. The  Team is                                    er tires Doctors' names and phone num-
          responsible for keeping this park   Copies of your important documents  in   bers
          clean.  Clubs can get service credit for   a waterproof container (e.g., insurance
          helping to maintain the cleanliness of   cards, Medicare/Medicaid cards, photo   First-aid kit, Toiletries, Child care, pet
          the park    Contact Lion Julian Em-  IDs, proof of address, marriage and birth   care, and other special items
          brack, Chair, for additional details.   certificates, copies of credit and ATM
                                            cards)                             Supplies for your service animal or pet
          The Alert Team reminds you to be                                     (e.g., food, extra water, bowl leash,
          always prepared for disaster. Below is   Flashlight, hand-crank or battery-  cleaning items, vaccination records,
          a list of suggested items:        operated AM/FM radio, and extra batter-  and medications)
          “Go Bag”                                                                 Portable cell phone chargers
                                            List of the medications you take, why
          Everyone in your household should   you take them, and their dosages    If you would like a member of the Alert
          have a “Go Bag” — a collection of                                    Team to come to your club and talk
          items you would need if you have to   Contact information for your household   about Disaster Preparedness,  please
          leave in a hurry. Your “Go Bag”   and members of your support network    contact Lion Julian.
          should be sturdy and easy to carry,
          like a backpack or a small suitcase on   Cash, in small bills , Notepad and pen    Respectfully submitted by
          wheels. Customize your “Go Bag”
          for your personal needs.  Suggestions   Back-up medical equipment (e.g., glass-  Lion Dorothy Sylvester
          may include the following:        es, batteries) and chargers        Co-Chair/ Secretary
                                                                               20 K-1 Alert Team
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