Page 2 - ENEWS-November _ Fall 2020 Edition_Classical
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Kings & Queens                  Kings & Queens                                       Volume V11, No. 2



             TOGETHER WE CAN WIN!

          “DG Jackie’s Message cont’d”

          *   Lion Geraldine Kingston (New Lots), MD20 Leadership
          Award.  Alexander T. Wells,

          *   International President’s Certificate of Recognition:
               PDG D. George Allen
               PDG Narcissus Frett- Moses
               PDG Pedro Vega

          Special salute to Lion Orin Hazelwood and the I-TECH team. You
          are a wonderful facilitator and teacher! Despite the necessary re-
          strictions caused by COVID-19, you established functional plat-
          forms for communication among the diverse Lion communities in
          District 20-K1.  Though socially distanced, we were not isolated
          and Lions mastered the ZOOM platform to continue serving in our
          communities and maintaining business and social contact with each

          I am grateful that my club visitation schedule has been sustained,
          though virtually. And I feel emboldened and fortified when I listen
          to your service reports and hear your caring voice for the needy in
          our communities.

          Our Virtual General Membership Meeting was a roaring success!
          But our recent Virtual GAT Conference was a masterful achieve-
          ment.  It was powerful, informative, reflective, and commanded the
          attention of all 257 Lions representing 57 clubs.  The presentations
          were well researched and clearly rolled out.   I applaud the Planning
          Committee and the I-TECH Team. I warmly salute each presenter
          and I value the audience of Lions and Leos for contributing to the
          success of this event.

          Thank you for your service!  With kindness, humility and love, each
          of you provided timely, accommodating service in diverse ways.
          And together, we learned new skills quickly!  You are a wonderful

          Lions and Leos!  Wear your masks!  Stay safe as you serve!  You
          are important to me and to District 20-K1!
          Let kindness begin with you!

          Lion Jacqueline Phillips,
          District Governor,
          2020 - 2021
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